by parkland-dev
IBA 81- Sagemace & Coleman Bay Islands which includes all the islands of the bays, is one of the 36 Manitoba sites originally designated as important Bird Areas (IBAs) by BirdLife International and now by Nature Manitoba. Some of the 50 species seen here include...
by parkland-dev
Near and around Lake of the Prairies observant birders can see American goldfinches, kingbirds, common nighthawks, ruffed grouse, warblers and vireos. The lake itself is a good spot to view American white pelicans, many species of ducks, great blue herons and western...
by parkland-dev
Riding Mountain National Park is an excellent location to experience birding. The Park’s Birder’s Checklist is available at the Visitor Centre to help you keep track of approximately 260 bird species found in the area, all waiting to be seen among the natural beauty...
by parkland-dev
The Swan River Valley is at the crossroads for northern and southern species of birds, as well as eastern and western birds. A great variety of habitat and species makes the valley a prime location for birding. Areas of most activity for birding are trails in the...
by parkland-dev
During your visit, you may spot hawks, warblers, woodpeckers, grouse, woodcocks, and many more species.