Duck Mountain Provincial Park
Woodlands, wetlands, and valley meadows
Clear, spring-fed lakes have made “The Ducks”
a popular tourist destination for years. Childs Lake, Wellman Lake, Singush Lake, and the
Blue Lakes are among the most popular.
The bottom of East Blue Lake, which descends
to 60 m (196 feet) at its deepest, is visible to some 12 to 18 m (40 to 60 feet).
Manitoba’s highest elevation is found at Baldy Mountain, which rises 831.2 m (2,727 feet) above sea level. Baldy Mountain is accessible by car. An observation tower offers a scenic view of the surrounding forest of tall spruce. Located off PR366, 32 km (20 miles) north of Grandview.
Duck Mountain is home to moose, white-tailed deer, black bears, foxes, lynx, coyotes and timber wolves. A variety of birds nest in the forests and marshes. A 30-km (19-mile) network of trails provides for exploration of the hilly terrain and forests of the park by hikers in summer, and snowmobilers and cross-country skiers in winter.
Campgrounds and facilities exist at all of the park’s major lakes.
Duck Mountain Forest Interpretive Centre makes a good station from which to explore the surrounding area. The site has self-guided hiking trails, a picnic area, and trail map. The Centre is open during July and August. Located approximately 10 km (6 miles) south of Minitonas on PR366 in Duck Mountain Provincial Forest. In the off-season, call 204?734-3089 (Spruce Products) and ask for Ward or Rick.